
We received the following (unsolicited) mail from J. Glisson, the vice chair of the Irish Beekeepers Association:

After years of sweating the summers away in the apiary I was thinking about giving a ventilated bee suite a go. …

The first thing to note about these suits are that they are fully biodegradable, made from certified organic cotton. How cool is that!

As a beekeeper I am acutely aware of the environment and the effect of pesticides on our pollinators, so already I am feeling warm and fuzzy about this idea, but not so warm and fuzzy that I am happy to be stung.

So when the Irish temperatures finally reached 17 degrees at 9.30 in the morning, I decided to head out to the apiary for a hot sweaty day at the bees, and give the suite ago.

The first thing that struck me was that I could see. The visor is great quality. No more of that nausea inducing change of focus as you are trying to see eggs through the mesh with glasses on. That alone is a winner for me.

Once I started working with the colonies all my senses were focussed on them, but every now again a random thought went through my mind, where is that breeze coming from? 3 hours later I realised that I was not sweating, the suite was allowing a breeze to come through and keeping me comfortable. Most importantly, I didn’t get stung.

So all in all I was delighted with the suite. Thank you.