The‚ Alternatives’

No plastic!

BeeCoolTM bee suits have a very low CO2 low footprint: On the other hand, synthetic fibres add to the CO2 load from their production (they are made from fossil fuel, i.e. petroleum) to the end of their life cycle (landfill or incineration): In other words, they contribute from beginning to end to the heating up of our atmosphere.

Beekeepers are a group of people who are directly impacted by and sensitive to global warming: Plants bloom earlier in the year (when the bees are not ready to pollinate); bees start to breed earlier and the brood therefore is at higher risk of death, if a late cold spell prevents the collection of nectar and pollen, …

Natural cotton or synthetic fibres – is actually not really a choice.

How can we put this politely… ? Bees are extremely sensitive to bad smells – when you are wearing cotton – you won’t offend them.

Why is the use of conventionally grown cotton problematic, too?

Cotton is among the most pesticide intensive agricultural products: Globally, 2.4% of agricultural land is planted with cotton, but that area is responsible for 4.7% and 10% of the global turnover of pesticides and insecticides respectively [1]

Furthermore: Most cotton grown on conventional farms is planted as a monoculture, using genetically manipulated (GM) seed. Growing GM cotton successfully only works when large amounts of synthetic fertilizers (again: fossil fuel based) and insecticides and pesticides – including Glyphosate and Dicamba.[2] are applied.

But pesticides do not differentiate – they kill both pests as well as beneficial insects, including bees.

One more reason why choosing BeeCoolTM bee suits made with certified organic cotton is a no-brainer.

[2]Since 2016 in the USA Dicamba has devastated millions of hectares of fields planted with GM-free plants. A professional beekeeper in Arkansas was forced to close down his operations and shift his 12,000 hives to the coast oft he Gulf of Mexico and tot he Canadian border